Dry eye is a chronic medical condition very common in our desert climate. It  develops when the eye’s tear film no longer lubricates and protects the outer surface of the eye. There are many different causes and not all are treated the same. 

dry eye

Dry eye can be caused by a variety of circumstances:

  • contact lens use
  • smoking
  • exposure to hot, dry or windy climates
  • autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • thyroid conditions
  • menopause
  • increasing age
  • decreased blinking
  • use of certain medications
  • dietary deficiency of omega-3 essential fatty acids

Symptoms include:

  • sandy-gritty irritation
  • burning eyes
  • blurred vision that clears with blinking
  • discomfort from reading, watching TV or computer use

Dry eye can damage the cornea and affect vision. If you think you might be experiencing dry eye, call Accent on Vision to schedule a Dry Eye Evaluation.  Treatment can include in-office procedures, at-home remedies, medications such as Restasis or Xiidra , and other personalized methods. Treating the causes of this condition can allow you to wear contact lenses longer, have crisper vision, an feel more comfortable every day.